Laparoscopic Surgery

Since people have been having key hole or laparoscopic surgery on themselves they have been asking if this is a technique that can benefit their pets – and now the answer is yes!
With the help of Dugie Gemmill at VetScopic we are delighted to now offer Laparoscopic surgeries to all clients.
Laparoscopic or Minimally Invasive Surgery (referred to as Keyhole Surgery) using rigid endoscopic equipment allows for better visualisation of the surgical area, as well as less internal tissue trauma for the patient. With keyhole surgical incisions being between 0.5cm and 1.0cm in length, patients are much more comfortable and recovery time is dramatically reduced.1,2 This means less pain and discomfort for the patient post-operatively, a quicker return to normal activity and a much speedier recovery.2,3 Post-operative complications are also reduced, such as wound breakdowns, infections, haemorrhage and seroma formation.2,3 Longer term considerations such urinary incontinence are also reduced. 2,3
Kirsty was our first dog we had for a laparoscopic spay and we wrote a case study on her here.
Advantages of having keyhole surgery include:
- Smaller incision site
- Less postoperative pain
- Reduced need for pain medication
- Quicker recovery time
The benefits of these can be great especially if you are worried that your pet may lick or chew their wound.
As with anything there are some disadvantages as well:
- Surgeries are more expensive than by the conventional abdominal way
- We need a bit longer to arrange for the surgery to be done as we utilise a third party.
What other ops can be done laparoscopically?
- Confirmation of the presence of a torn ligament in a joint.
- Liver and intestinal biopsies
- Stomach-tacking in larger dogs to prevent bloating
- Bladder surgery to remove stones
If you are interested in utilising this technique to have your pet neutered then please contact us to arrange an appointment.
1 Davidson EB et al. (2004) Comparison of laparoscopic ovariohysterectomy and ovariohysterectomy in dogs. Vet Surg. 33, 62-9
2 Culp, William T N et al (2009) The Effect of Laparoscopic Versus Open Ovariectomy on Post Surgical Activity in Small Dogs Vet Surg 38 811-817
3 Devitt, C M et al (2005) Duration, complication, stress and pain of open ovariohysterectomy versus a simple method of laparoscopic-assisted ovariohysterectomy in dogs. J Am Vet Med Assoc 227, 921-927

Consultation Times (by appointment only)
Monday – Friday 08:00 – 20:00
Saturday 09:00 – 12:00
Sunday 10:00 – 13:00
Mochdre Vets is the trading name for Heywood and Heywood Limited
and is registered in England and Wales. Registered Number 10654839.
Registered Office Williams House, Conway Road, Mochdre, Conwy. LL28 5HE.