A trip away …

A trip away …

Some of our rehabilitation clients know that Gwenan went down to Warwickshire the other week and is going back in July on a training course.  Additional training is a requirement that a lot of professionals have to continue with have each year.  Gwenan has been lucky...
Keeping Our Dogs Healthy

Keeping Our Dogs Healthy

Some of you might have attended the rehabilitation teams client evening. We titled it ‘Agile not Fragile’ with the aim of introducing different techniques that you can do at home and provide for your animal to keep them in the best form possible. Many of...
Tosca the Treadmill Queen

Tosca the Treadmill Queen

Tosca was referred to us following an operation on her right hind to repair the ruptured cranial cruciate ligament. Tosca had a tibial plateau leveling osteotomy (TPLO) performed which is where the angle of the knee joint is reconstructed and held in place with a...