As the New Year is upon us, we would like to share and end of year success story that we hope everyone will carry with them into 2025. Throughout the year, we have helped pets that have ingested something they shouldn’t have from chocolate to socks and everything in between, including a fish hook!
On a beautiful weekend morning when the sun is out, what better thing to do in North Wales than go for a long walk on the beach with your beloved dog. We all love watching our dogs running carefree… until they catch the smell of something… and the next thing we know they have picked up an offending object and swallowed it before we can get to them! Even the best trained pooches can fall victim to foreign body ingestion. This, unfortunately, is what happened to Tia and her owners when she found a fish hook and swallowed it in seconds. Luckily for her and after realising there was no way of getting the hook out safely themselves, her owners acted quickly and brought her straight to us! Tia was feeling quite sorry for herself when she arrived and was in obvious discomfort. After safely sedating her, x-rays of her head and neck were taken, revealing exactly where the culprit was! The fish hook had become lodged in her oesophagus. Specialist care was needed to remove the fish hook by endoscope, so we contacted a referral hospital that was able to take and treat Tia the very same day!
She was back home quicker than you could say “Let’s go fishing!” and has recovered superbly.
We understand that it is difficult to keep our pets safe and prevent them from eating things they shouldn’t. Even the best trained dogs can still end up eating things they shouldn’t, and we are here to help when accidents happen. The only way to ensure that we can keep our animals safe is by storing foods out of reach and by properly disposing of rubbish, especially in public places where owners take their dogs for walks. If you are concerned that something similar may happen to your pet, we are happy to advise you on different ways you can keep them safe.