As we have said before we don’t have a proper anniversary as we were seeing clients before we officially opened, so we count August the 12th as our anniversary as that is when we had our first open day. 12 months on and with lots to celebrate this year we help our ‘Open Day 2018 – A day in the life of ……’ which gave clients new and old a chance to see behind the scenes and see what our staff might do in a day because lets be honest in our job there is nothing like a typical day!

We really have a great bunch of clients and the support and enthusiasm we get from them is second to none and this was shown on our open day with lots of presents, cards and well wishes. We had clients volunteering to help us on the day to generously donating prizes for the raffle.

Gwenan & Lucy
We had live demonstrations throughout the day from Abbie and Gwenan from the rehab team supported Cerys our super 16 year old swimmer and young guns Oscar and Lucy.
In the gazebo were Claire and the nursing team Nat, Jodi and Jess ably supervised by Clive who pottered a bit but was mainly happy lazing on a chair waiting to be fussed. Clients got the opportunity to set up a drip, practice stitching up and bandaging!

Jodi, Jess, Natalie & Clive

Reception was manned by Jo and Rhian who has set fun quizzes around the practice and were assisted by clients Barbara and Helen who had the most important job of refreshments and the raffle – which again most of the prizes had been donated by our amazing clients.

The star prize was a dog swimming pool cake made by Pippa at Cariad Cakes – even starring Clive, Pedro, Bert and Drum!

The raffle did fantastically and managed to raise £600 which will be split between our three chosen charities Hectors Greyhound Rescue, North Clwyd Animal Rescue and St Davids Hospice.

The morning started with the day officially being opened by Gaynor from the Milverton Hotel in Llandudno who has been a great friend and supporter to the practice although as predicted people were chomping at the bit to come in so a few limboed under the ribbon before it was officially cut!
We think we have had an amazing year with lots of real success stories but a most of you know we also eat a lot of cake and to reflect this we had a gorgeous chocolate cake from the Goodheads, some fabulous cupcakes and chocolate cake from Sue, Patsy and Holly and a superb dog cake by Tina at Tina’s cakes which came complete with edible grass! Long standing friends of the practice the Charnocks came just before the end loaded up with more cakes in case we ran out!

At the end of the night we all headed to Wildwood in Llandudno for a slap up meal and the nurses who are all like stick insects managed to find room for Dessert!