Wow what a day!
I consider myself very lucky as the support we recieved was over whelming. When I first set up Mochdre Vets I met the Griggs’s and their lovely puppies and despite coming and seeing the building transform, they probably know every exit, entrance and thing behind the scenes – they still came to just show support! And that was the bench mark for many clients who generously supported Mochdre Vets on the open day!

So the day started with me carefully loading my salted caramel and my Baileys cheesecake into the car. Those of you who know I drive will understand what an achievement it was to get them to the surgery in one piece. Especially as I seem to have clients that should be on Bake off! – yes Mrs Good head, Mrs West and Miss Stanford you certainly are women of many talents!
When I got to the practice the staff were there armed with their own creations some made lovingly by their own homes and some still in boxes with a price tag on! Morale was really high and work had begun the day before setting everything up to welcome people!
Each staff member had their own job. Pippa and Jo were in charge of greeting people as they arrived. Having the most important jobs of the day our lovely clients Corinne, Lizzie and Ray kept everyone entertained providing cake, tea and refreshments.
Claire and Cookie were in x ray with various games and parasite facts. There was a jar full of jelly worms and jelly worm eggs that will be won for guessing the right number of contents (winner to be announced Monday), there was also guess the object magnified by our microscope, guess the x ray and play with a parasite.

From here the tour took them up the corridor here there was ten pup bowling with Joanne. The aim was to call your dog in the perfect position to score a strike!
We had so many dogs attend and they were all so well behaved. There was no barking no puddles or accidents so no call for Joannes behavioural advice.
Then it was onto me in consult 1 where you had the chance to operate on Luca the pukaa very poorly pet that had swallowed a coin, dress up as a vet and do operations for money! Think we lots of budding vets in the making!

Next door in cons 2 was Gwenan demonstrating the physiotherapy agility course and my my didn’t we have some professionals!

Next door in the cat consulting room was Natalie or Catalie as she will now be known playing pin the tail on the cat, mouse hunt and dazzling us with cat facts! Who knew Sir Issac Newton invented the cat flap?
Further along the corridor was Ceri in charge of the raffle and again thanks to our generous clients swelled in prizes as the day progressed! Don’t worry the draw is being done on Monday and winners will be notified!

Next it was in to Hydro where you could hook a duck in the treadmill or try and net the inflatable basketball with Abbie! The good thing about here was everyone was guaranteed a prize! Sadly my only regret of the day is that after all the anticipation I didn’t hook a duck, the day just passed in a blur!

On the way out was Rhian to make sure everyone got their goodie bag which was full of gifts for adults/children cats or dogs depening on your preference!
For those that you come to the practice regularly you will know who long suffering Lee is and he was on hand taking photos and luckily he is more interested in models with four legs! It also gave us the opportunity to get a staff photo with everyone in it! However when we all went to the Pen Y bryn afterwards everyone was too tired to get glammed up so just a few jokey ones!

The day was a massive success in terms of seeing lots of old and new clients but we also managed to raise a massive £600 for St Davids Hospice so thank you to everyone! There was lots of cake left over which is going to North Clwyd Animal Rescue for them to sell in their cafe with proceeds going to the animals or just give to their helpful volunteers!
Alfie’s mum sent us this picture of him after the open day and thats how we felt! My dear friend Liz is a shopaholic and has regularly tried to get me to come to the January sales with her, however as someone described yesterday like the next sale ‘millions of people all in their element and all in the way’ I think I will give it a miss!